Hello everyone,
Find below the different
structures I want you to use in your report. Bear in mind that the ''why'' section could be used in every paragraph.
This is because...
They said that they did
that because....
They justified their answer
by saying that....
This is due to the fact
1st paragraph;
The aim of this report is
to show how.....
The aim of this report is
This reports aims at
The objective of this is
report is to show how...
The objective of this is
report is V+ING...
2nd paragraph --> write
something a lot of people did.
A lot of people said that
Most people said that
Everyone answered that...
All the interviewed people
said that...
3rd paragraph ---> write
about something that a few people did.
Only some people said
We found out that just a few
We discovered that just 30
per cent of the people...
Giving reason
This might be because...
They said that they did not
do that very often because…
This fact could be
explained if we think about how teenagers….
4th paragraph -àWrite something that no one did.
No one said that…
No one did ...
Nobody answered that
There is a lack of ___
among teenagers
5th paragraph a conclude and recommend
In conclusion, it could be
said that….
In conclusions, it appears
To sum up, it looks like...
By way of a conclusion, it could
be argued that most teenagers….
We recommend having a
We recommend de-stressing
We highly recommend…
It is usually a good idea
Doing (OR V+ING) might help students relax as an
alternative to ____.
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