Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Money Vocabulary 4th Grade

Hello Students,

I hereby attach the link to the text we read in class about the importance of money;


Cash = real money, not virtual
Grand = 1000
ATM/Cash Machine
Bill= what you need to pay when the month finishes
K (1000)
Withdraw=get out
Deposit/put into
Payday = the day you get paid
Low-income household
High-income household
The sales
Skint (informal)/Broke/Flat-broke
A waste of money=when you spend money on something that is not worth it.
Bargain= extremely cheap
Splash out/blow it all = spend a lot of money without thinking
Break the bank = spend more money than you should
Stingy = practically not buying anything nor sharing money with anyone
On a tight budget = when you can't afford everything so you have to decide what to buy and what not to buy
Loan= money from the bank
Wealth = riqueza
To be in debt= estar en deuda
Run into debt =endeudarse
Cut down= reduce
Inherit = recieve money from other people, typically ancestors
To be on the red line= minimum needs
Make a fortune (working)
Win a fortune  (lottery)
Filthy rich

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Structures for the REPORT WRITING. 4TH GRADE.

Hello everyone,

Find below the different structures I want you to use in your report. Bear in mind that the ''why'' section could be used in every paragraph.


This is because...
They said that they did that because....
They justified their answer by saying that....
This is due to the fact that...

 1st paragraph;

The aim of this report is to show how.....
The aim of this report is +V+ING...
This reports aims at +V+ING...
The objective of this is report is to show how...
The objective of this is report is V+ING...

2nd paragraph --> write something a lot of people did.

A lot of people said that +V+ING...
Most people said that +V+ING
Everyone answered that...
All the interviewed people said that...

3rd paragraph ---> write about something that a few people did.
Only some people said that....
We found out that just a few people....
We discovered that just 30 per cent of the people...
Giving reason
This might be because...
They said that they did not do that very often because…
This fact could be explained if we think about how teenagers….

4th paragraph -àWrite something that no one did.

No one said that…
No one did ...
Nobody answered that
There is a lack of ___ among teenagers
5th paragraph a conclude and recommend

In conclusion, it could be said that….
In conclusions, it appears that
To sum up, it looks like...
By way of a conclusion, it could be argued that most teenagers….

We recommend having a healthy…
We recommend de-stressing by…
We highly recommend…
It is usually a good idea to…
Doing  (OR V+ING) might help students relax as an alternative to ____.

Vocabulary and structures for the writing. 3RD GRADE.

Hello everyone,

I am posting below the different vocabulary and expressions I want you to use to do the writing.

Vocabulary --> Before I write it, I would like to tell that these are just ideas, of course you can use whatever vocabulary you might need.

Home and furniture --> block of flats, bungalow, cottage, detached house, terraced house, basin,bath, coffee table, cooker, dishwasher, fridge, microwave oven, shower, sink, sofa, wardrobe, washing machine, acoustic guitar, doll, electric guitar, fiction books, chains, rings, make-up bags, pencil case, smartphones, sweaters, teddy bear, swimsuit, leggins, cardigan, slippers, shoes, etc. (You have got it on pages 19,22 and 23)


-The three most important things in my life right now are _____, ______ and ______.
-I love my ______. I've had it for/since _____ (period of time or specific moment in the past). I love it because _____________. It is big/small/medium sized. It is from Korea/Italy/Spain/France, etc. I use it for _____ (verb + ING). ((Anechdote, using the past if possible))

-I've had my favourite ____ since/for_____ (period of time or specific moment in the past). They were a present from ________ . They're _____ (adjective, e.g. lovely, amazing, soft, hard,etc). It/They is/are important to me because ______________.

-I couldn't live without_______ ( person/people). She is/ They are really ______ (adjective e.g. kind, funny, lovely). She/He has got/ They have got _______ eyes, _______ hair. I met him/her _________. She/He lives _________. // I love them because ______, ((anechdote, in the past if possible)).

What about you?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vocabulary and structures for 3rd grade speaking

Hello students,

I am posting the vocabulary and the structures that I want you to use in your speaking conversation. Remember that each of you has to speak for about one minute and include as many vocabulary and structures from the units as possible.


-The Senses. (Page 9 from your books)
-Parts of the body. (Page 13 from your books)
-Clothes and furniture. (Pages 18,19 and 23 from your books)

Structures and how to proceed 

Remember that this is just an example, you can adapt your dialogue and do it differently, this conversation is just to help you get ideas, you can reproduce it or completely change it. What is important is tht you use the structures that we have worked in class.

Questions you can ask in order to elicit the desired strucutres;

-How was your weekend? - You answer using the past simple.

On Friday I went to... On Saturday I studied for my exams/ stayed home/ played a football game... On Sunday I had dinner at....

-Do you what happened to me? -Here you could try to explain an anechdote combining past simple and past continuous. Here, the objetive is to combine both tenses. 

Expressions that you can use to react to a classmates' anechdote.

-Really? (De veritat?)
-You must be kidding (Això no pot ser de veritat, segur que estàs de broma)
-Wow, I feel sorry for you. (Wow, ho sento)
-Poor her/him! (Pobret/a)
-That's amazing! (Això és increible!)
-Lucky you! (Quina sort!)
-Hope you have better luck next time. (Espero que tinguis més sort el proper cop)
-You should be thankful! (Hauries d'estar agraït!)


For example; I was playing with my friends when I fell and broke my arm.

-Did you know that when I was a baby I used to... Here, the objective is that you make a comment and you explain something that you used to do when you were a baby.

Vocabulary for book/film/review for 4th grade.

Hello, I am posting the vocabulary and the differnt expressions you need to use to write the writing in relation to a book/film/serie. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contat me via intranet. Remember that you shoul speak for about one minute and you should try to use as many of the following expressions as possible. Daniel.  
1.Author, title and intended audicence expressions.
 -XXX was written by XXX
-This book is addressed to…
-This is a mystery / horror / fantasy / historical book with lots of…
 -A thrilling tale about good versus evil; kindness versus selfishness
-An action packed tale -This non fiction book is written for a general audience / children….
-A fast, funny and really satisfying story about…
-Part fantasy thriller, part drama and part teenage love story, this novel….
 -Part social satire, part mystery with a healthy dose of, comedy and angst.
 -It is about friendship / trouble at school / coping with…  
2 Summary mentioning characters and setting if it is relevant: (Who, where and when )
  -The story, narrated in … person, is written through the eyes of…
-After/Before _____-ing, ….
-It is set in XIVth century rural England…  
2.1. Describing your favourite part
 -Each chapter is more exciting than the last one, but if I have to choose one…
 -My favourite part is the bit when…
-Another bit I really enjoyed…
-The part I found most interesting / thought-provoking / entertaining / …  
3. Book conclusion and your opinion about it.
 -A great, funny and gripping book.
-I could not stop reading it. -It is a fascinating story.
-It is a sad but well writte story of
-This was a great book to read.
-This book is quite funny but most of all____
-The story gets the reader involved.
-The language is very realistic.
-The dialogues are very realistic and this makes it easy to be inside the story.
-It has a good story line.
-It is extremely easy to read.
-The main conlifct is sovled by __+ing
-The setting is presented with photographic detail
 -I found the book a bit slow at first but after a while...
 -Very expressive scenes/drawings/narration
-This book/film/serie is both hilarious and educational
4. Recommending the book.
-In my opinion this book should be read by …… year olds
-Children will be simply delighted with it.
-I would gladly recommend you all, no matter what age, to read…
-I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys mystery.
 -I would highly recommend it to anyone
-Everyone will find something to appreciate
-I think that ages from 10 up will probably enjoy it
-I think this book is perfect for people of my age because…
-I don’t think this book is suitable for children of my age because…
-It will leave readers with a great deal to think about. Videos that might help you get ideas;

Some youtube channels which might help you get an idea; 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Hello everyone, welcome back to Serra school! We'll be using this blog during the course, get ready!