Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vocabulary and structures for 3rd grade speaking

Hello students,

I am posting the vocabulary and the structures that I want you to use in your speaking conversation. Remember that each of you has to speak for about one minute and include as many vocabulary and structures from the units as possible.


-The Senses. (Page 9 from your books)
-Parts of the body. (Page 13 from your books)
-Clothes and furniture. (Pages 18,19 and 23 from your books)

Structures and how to proceed 

Remember that this is just an example, you can adapt your dialogue and do it differently, this conversation is just to help you get ideas, you can reproduce it or completely change it. What is important is tht you use the structures that we have worked in class.

Questions you can ask in order to elicit the desired strucutres;

-How was your weekend? - You answer using the past simple.

On Friday I went to... On Saturday I studied for my exams/ stayed home/ played a football game... On Sunday I had dinner at....

-Do you what happened to me? -Here you could try to explain an anechdote combining past simple and past continuous. Here, the objetive is to combine both tenses. 

Expressions that you can use to react to a classmates' anechdote.

-Really? (De veritat?)
-You must be kidding (Això no pot ser de veritat, segur que estàs de broma)
-Wow, I feel sorry for you. (Wow, ho sento)
-Poor her/him! (Pobret/a)
-That's amazing! (Això és increible!)
-Lucky you! (Quina sort!)
-Hope you have better luck next time. (Espero que tinguis més sort el proper cop)
-You should be thankful! (Hauries d'estar agraït!)


For example; I was playing with my friends when I fell and broke my arm.

-Did you know that when I was a baby I used to... Here, the objective is that you make a comment and you explain something that you used to do when you were a baby.

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