Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vocabulary for book/film/review for 4th grade.

Hello, I am posting the vocabulary and the differnt expressions you need to use to write the writing in relation to a book/film/serie. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contat me via intranet. Remember that you shoul speak for about one minute and you should try to use as many of the following expressions as possible. Daniel.  
1.Author, title and intended audicence expressions.
 -XXX was written by XXX
-This book is addressed to…
-This is a mystery / horror / fantasy / historical book with lots of…
 -A thrilling tale about good versus evil; kindness versus selfishness
-An action packed tale -This non fiction book is written for a general audience / children….
-A fast, funny and really satisfying story about…
-Part fantasy thriller, part drama and part teenage love story, this novel….
 -Part social satire, part mystery with a healthy dose of, comedy and angst.
 -It is about friendship / trouble at school / coping with…  
2 Summary mentioning characters and setting if it is relevant: (Who, where and when )
  -The story, narrated in … person, is written through the eyes of…
-After/Before _____-ing, ….
-It is set in XIVth century rural England…  
2.1. Describing your favourite part
 -Each chapter is more exciting than the last one, but if I have to choose one…
 -My favourite part is the bit when…
-Another bit I really enjoyed…
-The part I found most interesting / thought-provoking / entertaining / …  
3. Book conclusion and your opinion about it.
 -A great, funny and gripping book.
-I could not stop reading it. -It is a fascinating story.
-It is a sad but well writte story of
-This was a great book to read.
-This book is quite funny but most of all____
-The story gets the reader involved.
-The language is very realistic.
-The dialogues are very realistic and this makes it easy to be inside the story.
-It has a good story line.
-It is extremely easy to read.
-The main conlifct is sovled by __+ing
-The setting is presented with photographic detail
 -I found the book a bit slow at first but after a while...
 -Very expressive scenes/drawings/narration
-This book/film/serie is both hilarious and educational
4. Recommending the book.
-In my opinion this book should be read by …… year olds
-Children will be simply delighted with it.
-I would gladly recommend you all, no matter what age, to read…
-I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys mystery.
 -I would highly recommend it to anyone
-Everyone will find something to appreciate
-I think that ages from 10 up will probably enjoy it
-I think this book is perfect for people of my age because…
-I don’t think this book is suitable for children of my age because…
-It will leave readers with a great deal to think about. Videos that might help you get ideas;

Some youtube channels which might help you get an idea; 

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